Thursday, January 28, 2010

Started dosing Vodka into the tank's water

Yes, that is correct, you read the title correctly.  I have started adding Vodka to the aquarium's water.

If you are into reef keeping you know why.

If you are not, let me explain: ethanol (which is what Vodka is made of) feeds bateria in salt water who in turn feed on the nutrients that pollute saltwater aquariums and which we can remove through the skimmer (an equipment that produces dirty foam in order to remove organic substances that pollute the water).

It makes the water very low in nutrients, which simulates well the water in an offshore reef (also called an ultra-low nutrient environment, ULN).

Some people discovered this about ten years ago, others were bold enough to test seriously about 5 years ago, and now it is becoming an accepted and mainstream technique of reef keeping.

I learned about it from reading Melev's testimony, and I am following the instructions from the article written by Nathaniel A. Walton (Genetics) and Matt Bjornson (Stony_Corals) in August 2008's ReefKeeping magazine.

The fish don't seem to mind :-)
(no, they are not acting funny).

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