Saturday, December 12, 2009

New fish: Rainfordi Goby

Click to enlarge:

We just got a Rainfordi Goby, an herbivorous little guy that should help keep the algae balanced. Right now there is a significant amount of algae in the tank, small pieces here and there, which this Goby will gradually mow down over time. We hope...

We also got a hammer coral but shortlY after being implanted on a rock one of our peppermint shrimp attacked it... and continued doing so frequetly in the next 4 hours... now it is almost gone... I am quite upset with this...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

One Zoa IDed: Orange Delight

Some of the names given to zoanthid coralsare really wierd.... today I found a site where you can ID your zoa colony... it is crazy, you find hundreds of pictues and are expected to match the picture to what you see in your tank.  Coralpedia is the name of the site:

Apparently we have an "Orange Delight" colony in our tank at home.... haven't IDed the other one yet.